“Take that, Hurricane!” is my newest picture book, created from a series of personal experiences, a desire to fill a specific niche, and a character I’ve been nurturing since high school. But how did this all happen?

In 2020, Hurricane Laura swept through the southern US. I was in Alexandria, Louisiana, on the second floor of my college dorm. Back at my home it was a Cat 5, two hours away it was still Cat 3. The wind howled, the brick building shook, the thunder roared.

It was terrifying. There is nothing a human can do against the weather. Then, the next morning, there was a dead silence. No one left their rooms. The storm had passed, but we were all afraid to leave. We needed a superhero.

And that’s this book’s hero origin story!

A Horrible Hurricane just passed through Coastal City! The people of Coastal City return to find their homes had been flooded by the waves and beat up by the wind. Trees and muddy water are everywhere. Even in the home of Super Tess.

Kid superhero, Super Tess, wants to help everyone. But the huge destruction of a hurricane can discourage even a superhero.

“How dare that hurricane destroy our beautiful city?” Super Tess seethes. “HURRICANE! THIS MEANS WAR!”

Both silly and sweet, both happy and sad, this book is about Hurricane Recovery, Loss, and Triumph over the Elements!

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