She’s happy to be here!

Who is Super Tess?
I’m a kid superhero! Whether you need to catch bad guys, save kitties, or just need a friend, I’ll be there in a flash!
Some Stuff about Me:
Age: 8
Height: Normal
Likes: People, animals, race cars, spicy food
Dislikes: Bad Guys, rain, bugs
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Season: Summer
Want to be when I grow up: Big
One day I want to: Catch a dinosaur. It doesn’t matter if they’re extinct, it will happen some day!

Interested in what she used to look like?
Who Is Sidekick Nick?
It’s just Nick, please.
All right. Who is Nicholas Kyte?
I’m a kid genius. I use my awesome inventions to help out Super Tess when she is in trouble. Someone has to make sure she gets home on time, or she would stay up all night helping kitties in trees or something.
Some Stuff about Me:
Age: 8 1/2
Height: None of your Business
Intelligence: Above average
Likes: Airplanes and other flying machines
Dislikes: Loud people, homework, Greg Glueman, being called lame
Favorite Animal: Ferret. Because I have one
Favorite Season: Fall, but not because of School
Want to be when I grow up: A world Famous Inventor, or Fighter Pilot.
One day I want to: Circumnavigate the globe in my own airplane