Hello, everyone! This is Rebekah Hair, author/illustrator of “Take that, Hurricane!” and “Tobey the Collector.” My first book was written during High School, but I published it as part of my College Senior Project. Since then, I’ve done freelance work and taken a LOT of online courses on writing, painting, and storytelling.

That’s why I’m so excited to share this new project with you, along with the journey of taking it from sketch to full product! “Take that, Hurricane!” is going to be the culmination of everything I have been learning, as well as a debut for a character I’ve cherished since middle school. It’s not exactly what I was expecting from life, but I’m excited to share Super Tess, Sidekick Nick, and the rest of Coastal City with you all, and hopefully make you smile!
So please, if you’re interested, look at some of the posts I’ve created describing my process from sketch to artwork, from dummy to manuscript. I hope it will be interesting, as well as educational, for anyone else interested in writing!
That’s all for now! Have a great day.
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