Book festivals are a lot of fun!
You are able to visit other authors, make connections, and share your story with hundreds of new people.

Last summer, I was able to participate in the South Coast Book Festival here in Lake Charles, Louisiana. It was a fun experience. I was able to reach out to Lake Charles teachers, parents, and Librarians, sharing this fun story of hurricane recovery with my community. I thought this story would be really useful in my community.
And then hurricanes hit North Carolina and Florida.
I’m not from Florida, and I will admit that immediately. I am from North Carolina, though I haven’t lived there in some time. But I’ve been to both of those places. I have driven through those mountains, crossed those busy flatlands. And I know exactly what hurricane damage looks like, how horrible it can be.

Because of this, I asked to join the Sunshine State Book festival in Florida. I’m not from Florida, and I don’t live there. But I have a story about hurricanes. A story that tells children that a hurricane isn’t the end of the world, that there can be a life after disaster, and that they are not helpless. Super Tess and Sidekick Nick aren’t just superheroes, they’re neighbors, and their heroism comes from their kindness. That’s the story of “Take that, Hurricane!” That’s the story I’ll be bringing to Florida.
If you know someone in the Gainesville Florida area, would you let them know about this book festival? I’ll be happy to meet our new friends in Florida.
Learn more here!